№ 7 | Above the Line, Cameras and Lenses, AI Video Generation?!, Reframing the Office Space, and a Classic Book on Meetings

№ 7 | Above the Line, Cameras and Lenses, AI Video Generation?!, Reframing the Office Space, and a Classic Book on Meetings

Living above the line

A co-worker shared this short video, with a cautionary note: “Warning, this may change how you look art the world.” Enjoy “Locating Yourself — A Key to Conscious Leadership.”

Cameras and Lenses

I love a good web page with interactive elements. Here’s an interactive blog post to check out, all about… Cameras and Lenses!

AI Video Generation?!

Last week it was AI being used to generate video summaries. This week, it’s AI being used to generate video clips.  This new “Make-a-Video” tool (from Meta) uses machine learning to translate a rough text prompt into a short video. Essentially, what Midjourney, Dall-E, StableDiffusion do for static image creation, this can do for short video clips. 🤨

“To Get People Back in the Office, Make It Social”

Here's a solid piece from HBR. Heck, how can you go wrong with an opening statement like “In today’s hybrid world, ‘work’ is increasingly something people do, not a place they go.”

Now, some criticism (not necessarily about this article). I don’t disagree with anything written, but… what’s the problem we’re solving for again? Is the goal to get people back into the office? Or something more? I like the proposal to recast the office as a place for connecting with other people. I’ll “Yes, and…” this proposal. But… Let’s also not let up on making or finding ways to connect remotely, as well. In many of these kinds of articles, I keep sensing an implicit assumption that presence and connection is something that can only happen in person—with physical proximity. I think it’s more complicated than that, and that yes, there are contexts where people can and do already feel tremendous presence—with co-workers they’ve never been in the same room with. Where are these stories?

Don’t Just Do Something, Stand There!

I’ve been researching the heck out of meeting best practices, so I was surprised to come across a book recommendation (on meetings) I’d never heard of: Don’t Just Do Something, Stand There! I haven’t read it yet, but this comes from a colleague whose recommendations are always top notch.

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№ 89 | Defense Against Dishonest Charts, Make It Toolkit, Scale Up! The Business Game, Decision Trees for UI Components, ShadowBox Training, and Shadow Dynamics

№ 89 | Defense Against Dishonest Charts, Make It Toolkit, Scale Up! The Business Game, Decision Trees for UI Components, ShadowBox Training, and Shadow Dynamics

Hello, and welcome to another roundup of playful ‘things to think with’ and think about! Let’s dive in… Defense Against Dishonest Charts Over the years, I’ve collected various examples of bad charts (most often from certain news outlets and political groups). This is a topic explored in-depth in

By Stephen P. Anderson
№ 88 | Flipspark, City Making 101, Adventure Playgrounds, 🌀 How To Speak Squiggly! 🌀, AfroRithms From The Future, The Great Cognitive Depression, and The Periodic Table of Questions and Connection

№ 88 | Flipspark, City Making 101, Adventure Playgrounds, 🌀 How To Speak Squiggly! 🌀, AfroRithms From The Future, The Great Cognitive Depression, and The Periodic Table of Questions and Connection

More playful things to think with. Though, this issue is a wee-bit longer, given that two of my “finds” this time are articles to think about, and not strictly ‘things’ to think with. 🧠Also… a request! I’m prepping for the 15th anniversary reprint of the Mental Notes card deck;

By Stephen P. Anderson