№ 28 | Reading-Writing-Thinking, Good Questions, Teamwords, Creative Dying, and 500+ ChatGPT Prompts

№ 28 | Reading-Writing-Thinking, Good Questions, Teamwords, Creative Dying, and 500+ ChatGPT Prompts

Reading - Writing - Thinking

While aimed at academics, I love this simple model, showing ”3 signs your research is out of balance.”

Check out the explanation in this Twitter thread.

Good Questions

“Good questions change both the questioner and the listener” writes Andrea Mignolo.  I love her straightforward advice about what makes a good question:

Good questions start with 'what' or 'how' (avoid why questions - they are hard to answer and often feel judgmental) and create a frame of reference for provocation and possibility. Good questions create movement and options. Good questions are empowering and dig deep - deeper than we usually feel comfortable going. 

For examples of this, continue reading Andrea's post on LinkedIn.


“Play this card game to solve your team’s biggest problems.” That’s a pretty big claim, for simple communication game consisting of little more than “44 words ”people use to describe how they want to work together on teams.” But, knowing this comes from Mary and David Sherwin gives me confidence that there’s some thoughtful selection here.

Creative Dying Card Game

Via the IndieCade Festival 2022 I found this ‘analog’ game: The Game — Creative Dying. It bills itself as ”a low-stakes, accessible way to have meaningful conversations about life and death.”

Here’s a longer description:

Although we often avoid conversations about death, talking about this topic can be liberating and practically important. In playing the Creative Dying Card Game, we hope that you might experience greater insight and connection to yourself, to other beings and to the rhythms of life.

[SIDENOTE: I like the ability to rotate card for different questions; and, the color-coded flower to indicate the types of questions being discussed is a nice touch!]

500+ ChatGPT Prompt Templates

I’ve been spending a bit of time playing with ChatGPT. As a ‘thing to think with,’ I’m definitely seeing the importance of writing well formed queries. Here’s a ”free site gives you 500+ ChatGPT prompts to play with.”

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№ 84 | The StoryTelling Leader, Content Patterns, Defining Transdisciplinary Research, the Serious Games Idea Deck, the Map of Board Games, and Andrew Garfield and Elmo on Grief

№ 84 | The StoryTelling Leader, Content Patterns, Defining Transdisciplinary Research, the Serious Games Idea Deck, the Map of Board Games, and Andrew Garfield and Elmo on Grief

The StoryTelling Leader I recently started following David Hutchens on LinkedIn. As it turns out… I already I own two of his books (Circle of the 9 Muses and Outlearning the Wolves) and his card deck (below) 🤪. Anyway, when it comes to narratives—specifically leadership stories—he knows his stuff!

By Stephen P. Anderson