№ 44 | Guidelines for Human-AI Interaction, Ethics of Influence, Graphic Nobel, The Apple Game, and The Calm Web

№ 44 | Guidelines for Human-AI Interaction, Ethics of Influence, Graphic Nobel, The Apple Game, and The Calm Web

Guidelines for human-AI interaction

I kind of like these Guidelines for Human-AI Interaction from Microsoft. As they're context-based—mapping to stages of an interaction—they're easy to use as a kind of checklist or assessment for any AI projects in-development or recently launched.

Ethics of Influence

Elizabeth Ayer shares a presentation on the ethics of influence: Changing minds: you can but should you? [⚠️ Warning. Annoying. Slideshare. Ads!] This is one of those topics I tend to weary of, having ‘worked it all out’ while writing my first book, Seductive Interaction Design. However, I like Ayer's simple framing, placing  things an ethical spectrum. That, and this tends to emphasize the same place I've landed, with phrases like: “Power to.” “Facilitation.” “Coaching.” “Building Capability.” These kinds of ideas sit behind my professional mantra: “Work and learn together.”

Graphic Nobel

Ooh. Nobel prizes in physics explained with cartoons!
And, you can download the first 3 chapters [PFD] (of Volume 1) for free!

The Apple Game

🤔 The Apple Game, from Tim Urban (of Wait But Why).

I’d like to introduce you to a game I’ve been playing with friends for years. It’s not a game really—more of an exercise. The purpose is to add a bit more depth to the question, “Are you a good person?” Here’s how it’s played: Treat a person like an apple, with three layers of depth… [More in the post]

Calm web

Sigh. I'd like a calm web. Wouldn't you?
The Calm Web: A Solution to Our Scary and Divisive Online World

***BONUS: Clever antonym typography
I'm kind of enamored with this Clever Antonym Typography by Yash Mathur:

(More examples in the post!)

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№ 80 | Magical Gatherings, Dixit + A Canvas!, OuiSi Cards, The Hidden Curves of the Gartner Hype Cycle, Threshold Spotting, and Case Studies… with a Twist?!

Designing for Magical Gatherings So, interesting sidenote: I was in a webinar earlier this week where I was asked to reflect on especially memorable or meaningful gatherings I’ve been a part of. The common themes for me were things like adventure, discovery, challenge, fantasy, immersion, and so on. On

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№ 77 | Branching Scenarios and eLearning, Surviving Design Projects, Ursula K. Le Guin on Growth, Quests (Not Goals), I’m Voting Postcards, and Levels of Automation

№ 77 | Branching Scenarios and eLearning, Surviving Design Projects, Ursula K. Le Guin on Growth, Quests (Not Goals), I’m Voting Postcards, and Levels of Automation

Branching Scenarios and eLearning In 2020, I did a deep dive into how narrative games could be used for learning purposes, which left me with a deep appreciation for (and small collection of) CYOA books, gamebooks, interactive fiction, solo RPGs, and similar experiences with branching paths. Anyway, this post on

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