№ 48 | Unfix Cards, Mundane Superheroes, Interactive Videos, Rituals, and a Bicycle for the Senses

№ 48 | Unfix Cards, Mundane Superheroes, Interactive Videos, Rituals, and a Bicycle for the Senses

Unfix cards

Another week, another card deck! This week, it's the unFIX cards which look like they cover various topics such as Decisions, Goal-Setting, Process and Growth, Reteaming, and Structure.

Mundane Superheroes

A ♥️ this workshop opener from John V Willshire. As a facilitator, I deeply appreciate activities that can accomplish a LOT in a very short time, and this one—Mundane Superheroes—packs a punch; this get's people sharing, connecting, and… forming superhero alliances!

Interactive learning?

I love this for the form. It's a “sequence of tutorials was produced by the Processing Foundation as a part of the Hour of Code™.” The cool part? Interactive video tutorials. As in, dynamically changing the layout to suit the content. Check out it out, here: Processing Hour of Code.

Oh, and they openly share the code making this possible.


I have a fascination with rituals and periodic events, and the role these things play in human, social connection.  Here are “4 Rituals That Can Contribute to Your Wellbeing, and Why They're Important.”

A bicycle for… the senses?

Building on Steve Jobs classic ‘bicycle for the mind’ analogy, here's a wonderful article exploring how technology might become “A bicycle for the senses.” Yes, as in augmenting our eyes, ears, and nose!

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№ 81 | Scientific Papers as Comic Strips, 52 Things About Cards, Thermodynamics Cards, Collaborative Place Futures Toolkit, and Why The Work is Never Just “The Work”

№ 81 | Scientific Papers as Comic Strips, 52 Things About Cards, Thermodynamics Cards, Collaborative Place Futures Toolkit, and Why The Work is Never Just “The Work”

✉️Look for 2 extra special emails heading your way, later this week! 1/ The promised print-and-play Zombie Leadership cards. 2/ An announcement about our next Creative Challenge… Scientific Papers as Comic Strips Yes! Comics as things to think with. Here’s an interview with Kanaka Rajan, who uses “narrative illustrations

By Stephen P. Anderson